Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 2: Why I’m writing this blog?

Why am I writing this blog?

What can I say, I’m a movie freak, they encouraged me, they make me dream, and fantasies, and teach me things, make me cry and laugh, make me search for my own goodness and madness, but over all films (as books) inspire me. The first time a film stirred the necessity in me to feel in my own skin the character’s experience was ‘The Officer and the Gentlemen,” known in Spanish as “Reto al Destino.” After watching it 10 times, I insisted at the age of 11 to be sent to military school. My mom being a very feminine woman, the owner of a modeling agency and school, was just horrified with the idea of her only child becoming a soldier. With a strong and determined “NO, that is for men” she deprived me of making my first movie dream come true. What she didn’t know then was that I was going to be a persisting woman, and at the age of 28 I would join the American ARMY to fulfill that dream. I’m sure that if she would have know that then, she would have just let me go to military school for a year and let me get it out of my system. Anyhow, that is another story I will leave for later. The main point is to establish how much movies can move me and inspire me to do things. Which bring me back to the question in place, why this blog?

Last night I saw “Julie and Julia.” A movie about the cook and TV show host Julia Child, with my lifetime favorite actress Meryl Streep, which once again will be for sure nominated because her performance was incredible!!! The movie was ok, a little too long in my opinion, but entertaining, worth to go see. However, this movie did what to me is the most important responsibility filmmakers have in their hands, it inspired me. Julie’s experience gave me the push, and the encouragement to get my hands in the keyboard for something other than chat with my friends on facebook. I have been meaning to write a blog, or something for many years now. I don’t know if I’m a good writer. I know that my spelling is horrible in both languages, and as a great excuse I have that I’m dyslexic, and have some minor learning disabilities. I know that I write in English worse than in Spanish, but for some reason I love writing in this language. I know that sometime I need to dance between the two tongs to fully express my confused self. I know that my boyfriends dread my letters because they are lengthy, explosive and many time too intense. I know that I have made people cry with my written word, and also laugh. I have even destroyed relationships with people I love for telling what I thought to be the truth in an email. But most importantly, I know that I like to write letters. I’m not a very good verbal communicator, but when I write… well, is a different story. I can really say what I mean, and fully commit to my feelings what ever they may be. That is why I been wanting to write a blog, and it is also why many people throughout my life have encouraged me to do so. The truth is that I’m lazy, and like Julie I never finish anything I start unless I’m under strict supervising. I need deadlines, and to be accountable to someone other than myself to finish things. That is why I do much better when I’m in a relationship; I have to try to do what I say. Thus, last night when I saw the movie, I figure a blog would be a great answer for the writing exercise every teacher in the world would give you “write everyday,” “have a journal.” Why? Because I will use you my friends to keep my word of writing everyday for 370 days and counting down, until my next B-Day Sept 7 2010. So all of you out there are a very important piece of this exercise, I have a deadline and I have someone to be accountable for, so please let me know you are reading and don’t let me lack!

For those who have not seen the movie, Julie does this exercise to get herself exited about something in what she considered to be a blend and meaningless life. While watching I felt identify and thought it was a great idea for me to try. The truth is, it makes me exited to challenge my self to do something I know it to be quite difficult for me, to be consistent and disciplined.

So, there you have it, this is the reason of this crazy blog that have no real point other than to write, and have a creative outlet during this new year of life. I’m not trying to teach you anything, or enlighten you, or bring you into a new level of consciousness. I don’t want you to agree with me, sale you anything or try to convert you in any way to any of my beliefs. All I simply want to do is write, and hopefully share a thought or two with all those I love, and even with those I don’t even know. I’m sure some days I will feel inclined to write in Spanish, specially living in Spain, others in Spanglish. Some days will be short entries, but it will be our daily dialogue, and with so many oceans in between, we will feel close somehow.

Now I have to go with my day. I must go to the Spanish consulate to get my visa papers going.

Have a fantastic day!


PS: if you have any comment after reading, write it in the blog's comment section if you can instead of facebook, so I can keep them J



  1. This is a great idea!!! There are so many wonderful thoughts in your brain, and I know you'll love to read them over when this is all through. I haven't written in my journal for years and it makes me sad, as I have an entire trunk full of journals that have scattered entries. And usually the most exciting times of my life are when I'm NOT writing! And just so you know, you are one of the people in my life who inspire me every day! xoxoxonika
