Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas to all!

What a year my dearest friends!

January: India-Los Angeles
February: Los Angeles
March: Los Angeles-Miami
April: Miami
May: Madrid
June: Madrid
August: Miami-Georgia
Sept: Miami-Madrid
October: La Rioja
November: La Rioja
December: La Rioja - London

With all those places came a set of different homes, beds and warm arms ready to help...

Sometimes even from the most unexpected places... like a friend's mother home, or a stranger on a plane, or a friendship built within few emails, or a backpacker tired to walk with no place to go, or a friend met in silence, or a childhood friend reunited by technology, or an old love that has always been there even if I didn't know, or a clone that mutual love ones thought them to be soul mates and made them walk the walk together...

And of course in the nest under the wing of mother bird!

Experiences, tears, laughs, encounters...

Pain, decisions, change of minds, break ups, heartache...

Seldom waves of certainty...

Jumping without parachute to life adventures...

Leaving things behind, leaving love ones faraway, searching for new meanings, dreams and ways...

Looking through different glass shades, trying other people's shoes, eating others foods
(soul, body, and livelihoods)...

Searching, searching, searching... What for?... I'm sure no more...

But a drawer full of experiences and some conclusions I have... they may be of no more help than building some perspective... or maybe they have hidden meanings that I'm still suppose to decipher and decode!

Life has a bizarre way to speak to us, much like Dumbledore to Harry Potter... in clues that are meant to take us to the "Horcruxes" of our souls, which we need to destroy before we can find that which we all so fervently seek for ... whatever that may be for each one of us!

That was the last year of this decade for me... a year of change one could say... I like to call it a year of reinvention, of closing and opening, of recharging, of gaining while losing, of going back to basics.

Thanks to all of you who have share this ride with me, who have been one of those expected or unexpected shelter in the storm, and warmth in the cold... to the ones that gave me that right word even unconsciously...

To those who I have left behind, you know that you are not... you are all carved in the grooves that composes myself, so how can you be far when you are part of me?!

Have a very Merry Christmas and I hope we get to cross the path again someday!