"We must praise the god Love, who is our greatest benefactor, both leading us in this life back to our own nature, and giving us high hopes for the future, for he promises that if we are pious, he will restore us to our original state, and heal us and make us happy and blessed." Plato
How many hours of our lives do we spend in the search of that perfect one who would make our light shine, make us “whole,” “complete,” a perfect circle? How many years of my life have I spent convincing myself that I need no one else to be the fulfill-powerful woman I believe myself to be. “Everything is within you.” “You are complete; you need no one to be whole.” “There is not a missing piece.” “If you love yourself, if you are true to yourself then another just comes to share, not to complete.” Then, why in hell after all the work; “the drink this, read that, go there, do the other, don’t do the something else;” why after countries, therapies and meditations of days, I still feel that the ice cream taste better when is shared?
Could it be at last that Aristophanes was right, and that we indeed were originally two in a perfectly round body, with two faces, four arms, four legs and one heart, born attached to our other half, happily content for eternity because we were complete from birth, and no search, nasty dating or blind dates were necessary. Until one day we perfect humans threatened the gods, and Zeus as punishment for our insolence, separated us to make us weak and constantly restless, too busy to fight the gods while aiming to find the missing piece hopping to reestablish the original balance and glee now gone from our lives.
And if such luck is our truth, how can we find it, or better yet how do we know when we have found it? since it is not just anyone who would complete us, but it has to be that original half that was part of our divine perfect circle. Could it be then that the “soul mate” story is true after all?
God knows I have kissed frogs, rhinos, and lions, and tigers, and bears. I have followed my cousin’s advice like one of the ten commitments for years now, “you don’t denied a kiss even to a dog,” yet I still alone on Sundays and nights, and worst yet SUNDAY NIGHTS! … by far the most terrifying single time of all, or at least it is for me. I have also kissed frogs that I had believed to be princes, to later find myself yet facing another mirage on a “desperate” search, and a mouth full of frog goo. Could the gods be still playing merciless games at us simple mortals? Are they laughing at us somewhere over the rainbow? And when I say us, I’m not only talking about we single gals, but I’m including our male counterparts as well.
For years now I had believed that all this concern for love, The One, the happily ever after, the intertwine legs in a warm shared bed on a rainy night was solely a copyrighted hunt of my spice. I was almost certain that men just simply didn’t have the need for warmth; their thermostats were always in high. Their hearts just weren’t big enough to really care; therefore, they simply couldn’t feel like we do. They didn’t care for THE one, except for the one to fuck tonight. But trying to put away my sinicism, hard to tame after age 30, I heard a male friend’s call for love few nights ago. A friend who I consider to be very manly, straightforward, and even cocky, confessed to me, to me disbelief, how tired he was of being alone in the exhausting world of singles after 30. It got me thinking that although we may not have the same modem operandi, perhaps at the end we are all longing for that arm to shelter us from a cold winter night… attached of course to that desirable body that will bring up the heat day and night.
Lets face, it may be true that we females long for love, generally speaking, more than men. I have seeing even my most liberal, commitment free, love phobic female friends breaking down into famous lines like “where the fuck is he!!!??” I’m tired of kissing frogs! Just show your God dam face already!” But although that may be true, it is also true that we women want the whole package. We want the love, with sense of humor, stability, looks (whatever looks is for each one of us), taste, intellect, romanticism, connection and not just sex; we want GREAT sex. While men can be ok with just the sex, the ladies want the hot, juicy, heart melting, intuitive, imaginative, creative, unconventional, steamy, butterflies flying, with great foreplay, sex… We want perfect soft passionate kissing with the right amount of tongue, the accurate touch, the amazing lip service, the rhythmical body fusing, the sexy words, the complements, the dirty words, the hair pulling, the panties tarring, the push against the wall… and then… softly finishing the sexy love making with the perfect spooning, where at last the divine ancient circle is completed once again.
This makes me wonder, maybe it is only in those moments of intimacy, of complete body fusion that we can go back to our divine past, thus, we faithfully keep up the search. Or at least we do for a while.
In a world that is slowly falling apart by wrongly used technology, bad politics, environmental issues, sickness, hunger, and… well, you name it, could it be that the main ingredient to make us whole is L-O-V-E? Could it be that simple?
Doesn’t seem like it when we check divorce’s rates. Unless we are willing to believe that it can only work when you find your real half. But as life gets more complicated so it gets to find the one. In our teens we dealt with “he likes me, he likes me not?” then our twenties was “would he marry me, would he marry me not?” and in the lovely thirties is: “do we really match, can he offer me all I want and most importantly deserve, is he going to help me on my growth, does his job fits my life style, does he share my interests, is he single or am I willing to break up a marriage or relationship, or simple become the other in my “the one’s” life… our maybe that should be a signed he is not the one?… Oh whatever, lets just ignore those stupid signs!”
With so much a stake, is not wonder why me, as many others of my bread still single. Because really, what are the odds one can find all those needs covered by one human being? One in a million in your twenties I said, and probably one in 10 million in your thirties, and equally proportional the older you get.
Most of us exhausted of so much hunting simply throw the towel and just settles for whatever one can find, instead of sticking around for what we are really looking for. And just like that our other half, our rightfully divine “soul mate” is forever lost in someone else’s body, which will “kind of” fit the square, but will hopelessly leave few sad empty corners. We even go as far as to /married them just in case, because, “what if she or he was the one and we let them go?” However, undoubtedly at some point sooner or later after the magical wedding day is over, we’ll sadly recognized that our “what if” love was in fact the wrong fitting piece. Worst yet, to our horror we realize that we had not think through a contingency plan, incase of if the “what if” went sour. I’m not making this up, it actually happened to me. This “theory” -muy a mi pesar- comes from first hand experience of what happens when we say in a rush of spontaneity, “what if we say I do?” instead of “what if we leave the things the way they are and we don’t play with fire?”
Maybe we are not looking for any myth or any ancient stories. Maybe we all just have needs and desires that only few people in the world could fulfill, but unfortunately we wont stick around long enough to find that right person. Time, society expectations, loneliness, economy, excessive desire of belonging to someone, past experiences –mostly those bad ones,- and peer pressure (consciously or not) makes us rush into making bad decisions when it come to chose our life partner. With each year of maturity, the thought of "more time wasted in a fruitless search will be childish," increases, and inevitably sooner or later most of us will give up hope. Hopeless, we are left empty of the energy that kept us going, and the long years of neglecting our heart’s desires will shape our future. We’ll settle for what’s handy and convenient, and trade love, passion, desire, and magic, for friend and companionship. The butterflies?… Well, we tell them to take a walk into some naïve-young lover’s stomach, because really, at the end all would be left in every relationship, no matter how fiery it had started, will be in fact friend and companionship, thus, all we are doing is escaping one step.
It is true, the butterflies wont last forever, but as someone said once “at lest you will have the memory that you once had them,” and in difficult times, reminiscing about those first flying wings can fill you with the strength to keep the fire going. Because finding the one to love is tricky, and time consuming, but maintaining the love is a lifetime job.
So, maybe there is only that one half, that soul mate, or maybe we have few perfect matches to choose from in the market of love, but whatever the theory, the truth of the matter stays unchangeable; it will take time, perseverance, determination and hope to find our missing piece. In the mean time, all we can do is develop ourselves and our growth, hence, when the prefect actor to fill our lover's shoes walks into the room, we will be prepared to step on the plate and share our divine circle, smoothly rolling down together for eternity thru life’s bumpy roads.
Now… thinking of all this makes me wonder one more question. Why do we need this other half so badly?… Could it be a need for validation, or a desire to...? Ah!!!! Who cares? It feels great when you have it... so, go find it, and in the mean time, enjoy the ride!